1. | Nama_Lengkap_(Beserta Gelar) NIDN | Ina Rohiyatussakinah, M.Pd 0418078701 |
2. | Email / LinkedID | |
3. | Google scholar dan Sinta ID | SINTA ID : 6647326 |
4. | Kelompok Penelitian | Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Asing |
5 | Ketertarikan Bidang Penelitian | Linguistik |
6. | Pendidikan | |
6.1 Formal | S1 Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa S2 Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa S3 Universitas Pendidikan Bahasa (Studi Lanjut) | |
6.2 Non Formal | ||
7. | Pengalaman Kerja | |
8. | Publikasi Jurnal/Prosiding Nasional | Perception of Indonesian EFL Teacher on The Implementation of 2013 English Curriculum The Analysis Of Teacher’s Lesson Plan In Implementing Scientific Based Learning For Young Learner In Primary School Integrating Mathematics Local Wisdom Based Through Worksheet In Bilingual Program The Development of English Teaching Material Base Local Wisdom at SMKN 1 Cinangka More here .. |
9. | Publikasi Jurnal/Prosiding Internasional | The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Social Media Instagram Toward Writing Skill of EFL Learners Code Switching among teacher and students in Bilingual class at Tenth Grade of SMA N 1 Kota Serang |
10. | Buku |